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I am currently a Professional journalist or technologist working in media
Job Title:
Sr. Strategist, Audience Development
Valerie Streit is an Audience Development strategist at YouTube/Google. She helps creators grow their audiences by developing insights and tools to help drive repeat viewership to their channels. Previously, she worked at CNN managing global initiatives for social media and audience participation. She spent 13+ years in newsrooms working in various editorial roles spanning both broadcast and digital. Valerie is based in NYC.
Other Online News Association
Areas of expertise:
Web production experience, Social media branding – Newsroom / organization level, Social media branding – Individual, Social media branding – Sub-branded accounts (such as a Politics Blog or Regional Channel), Data analysis – Beginner level, Other
Other areas of expertise:
Audience Development
Speaking Experience
Yes, have led sessions individually, Yes, have spoken on panels, Yes, have taught skills-based or hands-on training sessions (at events), Yes, have taught skills-based or hands-on training sessions (in newsroom)
City / Location Preferences:
New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Los Angeles