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I am currently a Professional journalist or technologist working in media
Company: / First Look Media
Job Title:
P. Kim Bui is the West Coast producer for She’s also an adjunct instructor at the University of Southern California and co-founder of #wjchat, a weekly Twitter chat for web journalists.
Previously, she was a part of Digital First Media’s Thunderdome, working on breaking news like the MH370 disappearance and the Ukrainian conflict. She also worked at public media outlet KPCC, spearheading mobile projects and managing KPCC’s social media and outreach efforts with content and technology partners. Her experience in Web journalism includes news organizations such as the Kansas City Star, APM’s Marketplace and the San Luis Obispo Tribune.
She is on the board of directors of the Online News Association, and co-organizes the group’s L.A. contingent. She also is the program chair of V3, a digital media conference in Los Angeles, put on by the Asian American Journalists Association.
Asian American Journalists Association
Current Leadership Positions:
Member, Online News Association (Board of Directors, 2014-current, member of program committee for ONA 2011 and 2012 conference)
Member, Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA-Los Angeles board member, 2011-2013)
Programming Chair, V3 digital media conference (2013 and 2014)
Areas of expertise:
Basic HTML/CSS, Experience building interactive charts and graphics, Web production experience, Social media branding – Newsroom / organization level, Social media branding – Individual, Social media branding – Sub-branded accounts (such as a Politics Blog or Regional Channel), Beat reporter
Speaking Experience
Yes, have led sessions individually, Yes, have spoken on panels, Yes, have taught skills-based or hands-on training sessions (at events), Yes, have taught skills-based or hands-on training sessions (in newsroom)
Past Speaking Experience:
Master Class speaker @ Skillcrush on career trajectories, 2014
Trainer, SPJ JournCamp, 2014 “Beyond Twitter and Facebook: Digital Media Apps and Tools You Can Use Now“
Speaker, AAJA 2014 “Building things people actually use”
Speaker, EIJ 2013 “Curation Station“
Speaker, UNITY 2012 “Platform Portability“
Speaker, ONA 2012 “Healthy Ecosystems in Digital Newsrooms“
Speaker, ONA 2011 “SMO is the new SEO“
Unconferences: ONA dCamp on mobile (2014), Hardly Strictly Young (2011), Newsfoo (2011) Spark Camp: Data (2012)
City / Location Preferences:
Located in Los Angeles
Will travel for speaking invitations, depending on schedule