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I am currently a Professional journalist or technologist working in media
Foreign Policy magazine
Job Title:
Director, Digital Content Development
Emma Carew Grovum is a digital journalist with a background in content strategy, data analysis, data visualization, social media branding and audience engagement. She has previously worked for The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Webbmedia Group, The Cooking Club of America magazine, and The Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Emma is currently at the helm of and overseeing Foreign Policy’s editorial products, social media strategy, newsletters, data visualization and newsroom training.
She previously developed recipes for from time to time. Emma spent two years developing convention programming for the Asian American Journalists Association and served on the Washington, D.C. chapter board as Vice President for Digital Media.
She is one of the co-founders of the Journalism Diversity Project.
Asian American Journalists Association, Other Online News Association, Tech Lady Mafia, Investigative Reporters and Editors/NICAR
Current Leadership Positions:
Co-chair of national convention programming, AAJA
Vice President for Digital Media, AAJA-DC
Co-president, AAJA-Minnesota
Local organizer, ONA-Twin Cities (past)
Areas of expertise:
Basic HTML/CSS, Experience building interactive charts and graphics, Experience building interactive news applications, Web production experience, Social media branding – Newsroom / organization level, Social media branding – Individual, Social media branding – Sub-branded accounts (such as a Politics Blog or Regional Channel), Mobile Video (shooting), Data analysis – Beginner level, Git / version control, Beat reporter
Speaking Experience
Yes, have led sessions individually, Yes, have spoken on panels, Yes, have taught skills-based or hands-on training sessions (at events), Yes, have taught skills-based or hands-on training sessions (in newsroom)
Past Speaking Experience:
Society for News Design (April 2015, Washington DC) – designing new products on small teams
NICAR (March 2015, Atlanta, GA)- spreading data journalism in the newsroom
ONACamp (November 2014, Phoenix, AZ) – how to collaborate with the business side
Online News Association (September 2014, Chicago, IL) and Association of Alt Weeklies (January 2014, San Francisco, CA) – data journalism for small newsrooms
SRCCON (July 2014, Philadelphia, PA)- diversifying the pipeline
Chicas Poderosas (April 2014, Miami, FL) – hackathon mentor
Asian American Journalists Association (August 2014, August 2013; Washington, DC and New York City) – early career advice panel, women in leadership panel, data for small newsrooms, Lightning Talks
City / Location Preferences:
Washington, D.C. (currently located); Twin Cities/midwest, NYC/PHL. Open to travel elsewhere.