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I am currently a Professional journalist or technologist working in media
The Center for Investigative Reporting
Job Title:
News Applications Developer
Aaron Williams is a professional web developer and journalist who specializes in front-end development, data analysis and data visualization. He currently works as a news application developer at the Center for Investigative Reporting. He previously served as a web producer for the Los Angeles Times.
Areas of expertise:
Front-end coding, Full stack web development, Basic HTML/CSS, Python, Ruby, Django, WordPress development, Experience building interactive charts and graphics, Experience building interactive news applications, Web production experience, Social media branding – Individual, Data analysis (statistics, etc.) – R, Strata, SPSS or similar, Git / version control
Speaking Experience
Yes, have led sessions individually, Yes, have spoken on panels, Yes, have taught skills-based or hands-on training sessions (at events), Yes, have taught skills-based or hands-on training sessions (in newsroom)
Past Speaking Experience:
Techraking: Bootstrapping the News
NICAR, Baltimore 2014; Atlanta 2015
One of the biggest hurdles to learning programming is the often bewildering process of setting up your computer. Veteran data crunchers and programmers from The Center for Investigative Reporting will give you a virtual playground on your personal laptop that will allow you to explore all the tools you’ll gather throughout the conference. In this four-hour workshop, we’ll introduce crucial programming concepts and tools and — most importantly — why we use them.
Building exoskeletons for reporters
SRCCON, Philadelphia 2014
Beat reporters are the great treasure of the modern newsroom. Sadly, many of our digital projects start and end with editors. I propose that we take some time to discuss practical methods for outfitting our beat reporters with robotic exoskeletons — digital tools that make a beat reporter stronger, faster and smarter.
Digital Millennials Take Center Stage
ONA, Chicago 2014
Students and early-career journalists working at the intersection of technology and journalism are redefining our industry, our use of technology and our jobs. Hear from our newest AP-Google Scholars and MJ Bear Fellows, selected for their innovative projects, in lightning talks.
Reinventing software for journalists
Mozfest, London 2014
Journalists use browsers, email and much more to research and report their stories. But, what if their browser could diff specific pages and alert them with changes? Could we build a better email client that uses PGP by default? In three hours, let’s reimagine the software journalists use daily and tailor those tools for their use.
Visual journalism for tiny news desks
NICAR, Atlanta 2015
Where do high-production design and data principles break down for a small news team with little time? How do you decide what story format works best under shifting deadlines and resources stretched thin? This session will take a closer look at how a handful of small and medium newsrooms are building visually striking stories (maps, charts, immersive interactives) on a shoestring, under deadlines long and short. Whether you’re a team of 10 or 1, pick up tips, tricks, and lessons to take back to your reporting.
City / Location Preferences:
Anywhere in the world